KGUN 9NewsLocal Elections 2024


Behind the scenes of Trump's border visit


TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — With the campaign trail heating up, presidential and vice presidential candidates are making their way through our hotly-contested battleground state.

Among those candidates is, of course, former President Donald Trump. His visit came three weeks to the day after his running mate JD Vance stumped at the border wall near Naco, Ariz. Trump's visit was similar, including remarks about security and immigration along the Arizona-Sonora border, but in many ways it was a much different experience—particularly for members of the press.

Pat Parris and Blake Phillips sat down after the visit to talk about Blake's experience covering Trump and working with the security detail. Their full conversation is in the video player above.


For more KGUN 9 Elections Coverage:

KGUN 9 will be livestreaming the following local and state debates:

  • US House CD 6: 09/17
  • US House CD 7: 09/18
  • Prop 314 Immigration Enforcement: 09/19
  • Abortion Access Act: 10/01
  • US Senate: 10/09