About KGUN 9


KGUN 9 unpublishing and editing guidelines

and last updated

TUCSON, Ariz. — KGUN 9 understands that lives change, and people change, and online search results can have a lasting impact on someone’s ability to move forward.

For that reason, we are accepting appeals from people who would like us to update past articles or remove an article from kgun9.com.

This policy does not apply to all reporting. Stories that are eligible for editing or removal include, but are not limited to:

  • Nonviolent misdemeanor crimes, particularly those from many years ago.
  • Missing persons cases that are resolved without criminal charges.
  • Incidents such as Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts which were resolved without criminal charges.
  • Stories and photos that involve embarrassing, noncriminal behavior.
  • The decision to edit or remove an article lies solely with KGUN 9 news leadership.

KGUN 9 will not consider requests involving serious felonies, particularly those involving violent crimes or sexual assault.

Public figures and those in positions of trust are held to a higher standard of scrutiny and therefore, stories involving these individuals will be evaluated accordingly.

KGUN 9 may check court records and other public records to make an informed, compassionate decision. However, the onus is on the subject to collect the pertinent data surrounding each individual case.

Potential Outcomes:

  • Deny Request
  • Archive original story
  • Revise story
  • Update story
  • New reporting

Those looking to appeal an article should completely fill out the form below.

Questions or feedback? Email news@kgun9.com.

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