
Handling the stress of the pandemic

CODAC offers community group sessions to help cope
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TUCSON, Ariz. — As Americans are continuing to adjust to life during the pandemic, the strain of it is causing some to reach their breaking point.

Experts at CODAC Health, Recovery and Wellness say they have a new program that gives you the chance to talk through your stressors and find ways to manage how you deal with the pandemic and beyond.

CODAC counselor Kaitlyn Rinehart is leading a free COVID-19 support group called “Coping with Change.” It's designed to give you guidance on how to handle the strain of dealing with the pressures of today’s world.

"We actually teach a curriculum that is skills-based. It incorporates rebuilding healthy social connections. Promoting positive activities, building problem-solving skills,” Rinehart said.

Rinehart also says clients are dealing with the anxiety and exhaustion from the election, navigating the unemployment system, tensions within the country, lingering COVID-19 health issues and more. The group meets twice a week via Zoom, but more can be added depending on the need.

“Some of the stressors we see are becoming teachers at home. We also see the fear of actually catching the virus. That has been a big fear for a lot of folks coming in, as well as family members coming in. We have a lot of members who lost family members to the coronavirus. We’re definitely committed to engaging community and families in our group and really providing that support,” Rinehart said.

For more information about community group sessions at CODAC, click here.