TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — In Pima County, 176 people died from heat exposure in 2023.
Ahead of the holiday weekend, Tucson Fire Department Deputy Chief Barrett Baker says, there is no good time to leave a child or a pet in a car.
“Even in the shade and cracking the window, well, it's still going to be 100 degrees, and that is so ineffective when it comes to reducing the temperatures… that's a death sentence unfortunately for that child,” said Baker.
Even on cooler days around 80 degrees, car temperatures can skyrocket up to 20 degrees higher in just 10 minutes of being parked.
Since 1990, 47 kids have died in hot car related incidents in the state of Arizona.
For parents, Baker says, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening.
"Taking something that's important to the child to the baby, a baby blanket, their stuffed animal, if you put that in your lap, and now you get to your destination, when you open the door, it automatically triggers, " says Baker.
You can also set a reminder on your phone, or make an arrangement with your partner for the driver to always be the one to get the child out of the car.
But Baker says, the key is a routine.
If you see a child or pet locked inside a hot car, TFD says you should call 911, to get the resources they could need as soon as possible.
Blake Phillips is a reporter for KGUN 9. Originally from St. Louis, Mo., Blake grew up in Sierra Vista. During his college tenure at the Missouri School of Journalism, Blake worked for the NBC affiliate KOMU-TV in Columbia. He is excited to return to a place he calls home and give back to the community in which he grew up. Share your story ideas and important issues with Blake by emailing blake.phillips@kgun9.com.