TUCSON, Ariz. — Southern Arizona is chock full of hidden gems. From businesses that have been around to watch the area grow up... to the new ones who are paving the way for the future. Welcome to Alex's Top 5 where each week I highlight the local spots you should check out. This time, bakeries:
7882 N Oracle Rd / Village Bakehouse / VillageBakehouse.com | (520) 531-0977
8969 E Tanque Verde Rd Ste 209 / Sydney's Sweet Shoppe/ SydneysSweetShoppe.com | (520) 777-7133
4777 E Sunrise Dr # 13 / Mona's Danish Bakery/ MonasDanishBakery.com | (520) 579-1959
4500 E Speedway Blvd #41 / dedicated. a gluten free bakery & coffee shop/ DedicatedGF.com | (520) 209-2872
5266 S 12th Ave / La Estrella Bakery/ LaEstrellaBakeryIncAz.com | 520-741-0656