The Morning Blend


My Heart Attack Saved My Life…

But For What
Posted at 2:11 PM, Nov 22, 2023
and last updated 2023-11-22 16:11:16-05

Disclaimer: This is paid sponsored content in the Morning Blend. All opinions and views are of the advertiser and do not reflect the same of KGUN-TV.

Susan Smith has been a real estate executive, high-powered commercial loan officer and professional women’s leader since the 1970s. Most recently she is a heart attack survivor, women’s health advocate, speaker and now, a published author. Susan suffered a heart attack in 2018 and immediately went to TMC where doctors saved her life not once, but twice in those three days in early February 2018. As she emerged from the shock of how a heart attack could’ve snuck up on her, she vowed to help women learn how women’s heart attacks symptoms are different than men and steps women could take to protect themselves and lead healthier lives. October gets a lot of attention for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but TMC and Susan often take these moments to educate women in our community that their overall health is always a priority, especially because heart disease is the #1 killer of women. Susan frequently talks about her ‘inconvenient heart attack’ and the signs and symptoms she missed. She also is passionate about heart recovery, helping survivors through the emotional journey of their ‘new normal’. TMC is hosting Susan in a variety of capacities this month (a talk at TMC For Seniors, as well as to our staff) and I thought she might be a good fit on your show. She’s been on before and has also been interviewed by KGUN on a few occasions. She recently wrote a book, ‘My Heart Attack Saved My Life…But For What?” It’s an honest look at the journey heart attack survivors face, not realizing the emotional strength they need to recover has been in their heart all along. She inspires us here at TMC and I know she would do the same for your viewers.

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