TUCSON, Ariz. - Tristan Cooper was taking part in Arizona football's Saturday scrimmage when the mass shooting that has claimed 22 lives happened in his hometown of El Paso.
"I felt anger, disgust, and you just ask why," said Cooper.
Cooper found out through twitter. The senior safety immediately called home to learn his family was accounted for.
"A bunch of things start going through your head because they didn't identify the bodies until Sunday," added Cooper. "With something like that, you can't prepare for it. My head was spinning."
Cooper has been to the Cielo Vista Mall many times.
"That's the mall everyone goes to."
Now, a mass shooting that isn't even the nation's most recent has hit home for the Arizona Wildcat student-athlete.
"You would never think something like that would happen in your city, but when it does, it's eye opening."