KGUN 9NewsLocal News


Work continues on Sandario, site of Monday deadly wreck

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TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Sandario Road, west of the Tucson Mountains and running between Ajo Way and Avra Valley Road has been called a "lifeline road" for north/south travelers. Because of heavy usage, Pima County Department of Transportation selected a contractor to mill, repave and stripe Sandario. Work began late last year and is almost complete. Striping, raising valve covers and cleanup is still underway.

A deadly wreck Monday afternoon involving vehicles waiting to proceed through the construction zone reinforces a reminder to pay extra attention to what's happening around you. Many areas have reduced speeds and flag persons alternating traffic. That's what happened yesterday. One direction of travel was allowed to proceed while the other direction was waiting to use the one available lane.

Currently, other projects using flaggers to alternate travel include Speedway: Painted Hills to Camino de Oeste and Hacienda del Sol: River to Sunrise. That project will wrap up later this week.

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