TUCSON, Ariz. — The University of Arizonahas endedits furlough program earlier than previously announced.
"I am pleased to share new information that employee pay reductions associated with the Furlough and Furlough-based Salary Programs (FBSP) will end this month, before the close of 2020," wrote Dr. Robert Robbins, president of UArizona.
[Related: University of Arizona announces end date for employee furloughs]
The university initially announced the program would end in February, but in a letter to staff, Robbins said the program would end at the end of December.
"On Sunday, the federal government passed the COVID Relief Bill, allowing us to offset revenue shortfalls and cover upcoming COVID-19-related expenditures," said Robbins. "Governor Ducey announced that the University of Arizona will receive an allocation from the State of Arizona’s CARES Act funds, allowing us to offset COVID-19-related expenses we incurred over the past nine months of the pandemic."
The UArizona furloughs began in August.