Attention drivers -- you can expect a tough drive through 22nd and Alvernon through Monday.
"It's just chaotic,” is Linda Williams’ assessment.
Workers were prepping for a water and sewer line upgrade, when a different part of the water line broke. That led to a total block on 22nd Street westbound near Alvernon.
Linda Williams says, "When you live in this neighborhood, right off Alvernon and you're trying to get in you have to get out to Country Club and come in because you can't take this right turn. It's crazy."
And you can take one driver's hassles and multiply them by somewhere between 29,000 to 42,000 cars per day. That's the range of the traffic counts for different sections of Alvernon or 22nd near the construction.
Charity Bedwell has had to cope with the intersection at some of the busiest times of the day. "I pick up my daughter at like, two, no, three o'clock and I don't get home until almost 4:30 because trying to go on to 22nd to turn onto Alvernon. It's not happening.”
Things should get better late Friday. By that time Tucson Water expects to finish with the broken line, and start on the water and sewer upgrade that was originally planned for this weekend.
Fernando Molina of Tucson Water says, “There will be right turn lanes, will be open around the construction site and there will be one eastbound lane of traffic along 22nd Street. So you will be able to get through here but we're just recommending that if you really don't have to be here to avoid the area."
So let’s review for drivers. Until late Friday, no right turn at all to westbound 22nd.
After that, things improve but it's still pretty complicated.
Through the weekend most of the intersection will be blocked but you should be able to get through using the right turn lanes and making U-turns in some cases. By the Monday commute getting through should be easier but you will still be squeezed down to two lanes instead of three.
For more detail on the weekend construction you can see Tucson Water’s traffic advisory here.