HEREFORD, Ariz. (KGUN) — As former Vice President Mike Pence toured the border, the Jan. 6t investigation also came up as a topic.
Despite the invasion of the Capitol, Pence ignored pressure to set aside the certified Electoral College votes and help Donald Trump hold onto the Presidency. In his role as presiding officer of the U.S. Senate, he formally accepted the votes that made Joe Biden President. That earned Pence the anger of Trump and members of his own party.
KGUN9 On Your Side’s Craig Smith asked Pence about the Jan. 6 probe.
Smith: What do you think will come out of that effort, that investigation, and what do you hope will come out of it?”
Pence: “ Well, Jan. 6 was a tragic day. But thanks to the courage of law enforcement, we secured the capital. We restored order. We were able to complete our duty under the Constitution of the United States of America. I'll always believe that I did my duty that day. And I know in my heart of hearts I did. And I believe that when all the information and the facts come forward, the American people will better understand what occurred.”
Pence deflected questions about whether he plans to run for President in 2024.
Besides issues like border security, Pence says he’s looking forward to new leaders working for the country, so he’s working to help candidates get elected to the House and Senate.
Craig Smith is a reporter for KGUN 9. With more than 40 years of reporting in cities like Tampa, Houston and Austin, Craig has covered more than 40 Space Shuttle launches and covered historic hurricanes like Katrina, Ivan, Andrew and Hugo. Share your story ideas and important issues with Craig by emailing or by connecting on Facebook and Twitter.