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Hawk rescued from soccer net re-released at Salpointe High School

The hawk spent a month going through treatment at the Tucson Wildlife Center, before it was able to be released back where it was found.
Hawk released
and last updated

TUCSON, Ariz. — A red tailed hawk is back home for the holidays. The hawk and his mate have lived in a pine tree next to Salpointe High School for years. They're so popular, the students and staff refer to the hawk as "Lance," as a nod to their mascot, the lancers.

About a month ago though, the hawk got stuck in a soccer net on their field. The grounds and maintenance manager, Jim Armstrong was able to free him, but the hawk couldn't fly, and he was badly cut from the net.

They called the Tucson Wildlife Center, where the bird went through treatment and rehabilitation. After a month there, staff members were able to set him free, right on the field at Salpointe. As expected, he flew directly to his pine tree, where we can only imagine his "hawk wife" was waiting for him.

"Well it's nice to know that he's reunited with his loved ones," Armstrong said.

"It looked like he knew where he was going, so he's home for the holidays," said Tucson Wildlife Center spokesman, Hubert Parker.

It made for an emotional moment for all the staff members who came out to watch the release, who were all just excited to see the hawk was back where he belongs.

If you ever see or find injured wildlife, the safest thing you can do is contact the Tucson Wildlife Center at (520) 290-9453. They can give you advice about what to do, and help if need be.

Claire Graham is an anchor and reporter for KGUN 9. She grew up in Tucson and graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in musical theatre. Claire spent a decade in Washington state, where she worked in journalism, met her husband and welcomed their baby boy, before moving back home. Share your story ideas and important issues with Claire by emailing or by connecting on Facebook and X.