TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - This is the first big holiday since the TSA toughened up the rules for your carry on luggage.
A few weeks ago, TSA put on a demonstration to get travelers ready for the new carry on rules.
Authorities are worried about terrorists squeezing explosives into smaller packages. So now more electronics have to come out of your carry on for a closer look.
TSA says the new rule applies to anything generally larger than an average sized cellphone. What's the definition of average? To TSA it's a phone that's about four inches wide and about six inches long.
Tad did not hear about the new rule. He says he'll probably bring less to inspect next time.
He showed us his traveling trove of electronics.
"Laptop. Ipad. Antenna, a couple pair of headphones. Mouth harp. Ham radio..."
We ran into a fair number of travelers able to breeze through security because they qualified for Pre-Check.
Susan Hutchison’s a believer: “You leave your computers and your tablets in your luggage. "
Pre-Check privileges do require a background check and an 85 dollar fee for a five year pass.