KGUN 9News


Stack those sandbags!

Free sandbags a hot item for flood-fearful homeown
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Tuesday’s storm was so rough, a lot of people are looking for ways to keep high water out of their homes.
That made sandbags a hot item.
The City of Tucson set up a fill-your-own sandbag site at Reid Park's Hi Corbett Baseball Field along with a pick up site for pre-filled bags at the Tucson Fire Station on Pima and Arcadia.
It's hard to hold back tons of flood water but sandbags can help and after the scare Tuesday a lot of people were ready to pick up a shovel and start bagging.
When the rain comes down this hard as hard as we say Monday, and the flood waters rose as high as they did people start looking for a way to defend their home even if it means slinging a shovel and bagging the sand yourself.
In just a few minutes we saw plenty of people hitting the sand pile the City of Tucson set up at Hi Corbett field.
Linda Allison and her daughter Lisa loaded a little car with maybe a couple of hundred pounds of sand.
They want to keep their yard from flooding again as it did in Tuesday’s rains.
Linda was happy the bags were available. For Lisa they were a surprise.
Linda laughed as she said: “'I called her up on her house and said you want to go for a ride with me?”
Now the bags are blocking the gap in her wall that turned her backyard into a lake so they're ready the next time the skies open up.
So again, the location for the do-it-yourself bags is Hi Corbett Field, which is part of Reid Park.
If you want to let someone else do the filling go to Fire Station Seven. It's on Pima Street near Arcadia. They are imposing a ten bag limit, while supplies last.