KGUN 9News


Candidates run up big bills in Tucson campaign

and last updated
TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Tucson was a real campaign hot spot last weekend as Presidential candidates or their representatives made a last push for southern Arizona voters before Tuesday's vote.
These campaigns leaned on public resources to make the events happen.  They used government-owned buildings for their rallies and local police for most of their security.  
Tucson Convention Center was the spot for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders rally. The Arena has the potential to seat more than 8900 people.  
Trump's campaign paid $3100 for the hall---the base rate for a non-profit organization. Add to that about another $7100 for staffing, equipment and the amount of time the campaign used.
Because it was a last minute booking, the city made the campaign put it all on a credit card.
Tucson will be billing the Trump campaign for a lot of police protection.  Here’s the breakdown:
Total Officers assigned:  180
Man Hours:  1171
Overtime Cost (Salary Only):  $51,928
Overtime Cost Including estimated Employee Related Expenses:  $81,838
Police costs figures vary from the story as it aired at 6pm because of last minute updated information.
There was friction around that rally between Trump supporters and demonstrators and there were a lot of officers for the size of the crowd.
For comparison, think of a UA football game. UA Police say they usually bring in 125 off duty officers from several agencies to handle a stadium and other activities that would attract about 55 thousand fans.
On Friday, Bernie Sanders rented the same 89 hundred seat arena as Trump, paid the same $3100 rental but only about $2800 in additional fees. His rally used less time and equipment, and 76 police officers.  As with the Trump campaign the last minute booking for TCC went on a credit card.
Here are the Police expenses the Sanders campaign rang up: 
Total Officers assigned:  76
Man Hours:  638
Overtime Cost (Salary Only):  $27,927
Cost Including estimated Employee Related Expenses:  $44,013
To support Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton led a rally at Sunnyside High School.  Because the Sunnyside District is on Spring Break exact costs are unavailable but the district said it charged its commercial rate which calls for a $400 minimum.  The Clinton campaign says there's a payment in progress.
Clinton incurred the smallest Police expense: 
Total Officers assigned:  23
Man Hours:  96    
Overtime Cost (Salary Only):  $4,640
Overtime Cost Including estimated Employee Related Expenses:  $7,312