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Board of Supervisors to challenge the legality of Arizona gun law


TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Pima County District 1 Supervisor Rex Scott introduced a resolution before the Board of Supervisors Tuesday calling for the repeal of a statewide gun show law, and challenging its legality.

"The Board of Supervisors will call on the Arizona Legislature to repeal A.R.S. § 13-3108 and any other laws that inhibit the ability of local governments to take action to prevent gun violence, or to take other necessary measures related to the regulation of guns with in the boundaries of their jurisdiction," reads the resolution.

The state statute prohibits Arizona counties and cities from requiring "a political subdivision of this state shall not require the licensing or registration of firearms or ammunition or any firearm or ammunition components or related accessories or prohibit the ownership, purchase, sale or transfer of firearms or ammunition or any firearm or ammunition components, or related accessories."

In Tuesday's board meeting, Scott indicated that gun safety is a public health issue, and should be left to local jurisdictions.

"There's really one overarching reason that we should join together as a Board and as a community to vigorously oppose Arizona Revised Statute 13-3108 by all means necessary," Scott said. "It's wrong for state government to impede through this statute the role counties have under Arizona state law as the public health authorities for their regions."

Scott said the statutes allowed the state government "to stand in the way of local governments who seek to take action to address mounting public concerns about gun safety, gun violence and the need for common sense gun regulations."

District 4 Supervisor Steve Christy opposed the resolution:

"Why couldn't Supervisor Scott just be honest and state the truth through his resolution presented before us today?" Christy said. "Supervisors Scott wants to take away everyone's gun."

Both Christy and Board Chair Sharon Bronson voted no on the resolution, which passed 3-2, with supervisors Scott, Matt Heinze and Adelita Grijalva voting yes.

Bronson cited potential "unintended consequences" that could impact state revenue. She also called the resolution "too broad in scope."

Anne Simmons is the digital executive producer for KGUN 9. Anne got her start in television while still a student at the University of Arizona. Before joining KGUN, she managed multiple public access television stations in the Bay Area and has worked as a video producer in the non-profit sector. Share your story ideas and important issues with Anne by emailing or by connecting on Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.