TUCSON, Ariz. — A vaccine roll-out run differently by the state and by counties. One common thread being that most of it hinges on online registration.
“We are really setting them up to leave them behind,” said AARP Arizona Director Dana Marie Kennedy. Kennedy says you can't assume everyone over the age of 75 is tech savvy. "This is a generation that grew up without computers and without the technology. Some of them might have had it in the workplace before they retired, but many did not. The directions onPima County's Website seem simple enough, but you can do everything correctly and still not be able to make an appointment. This is due to the limited supply of vaccine.
Pima County’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Francisco Garcia says most people should be able to eventually navigate the process. "Yes it is frustrating, and yes it takes a while,” he said. “Most people are being successful, but we do have modalities for people who are not.” There is a number you can call if you are having trouble. That number is 520-222-0119.
Kennedy says she is lobbying the state to get older people easier access to the vaccine.
“Constantly talking to the governor, and we realize there are glitches, but we are asking them to make sure our older population is not left behind in this technology divide with securing a vaccine.”
Here's some information Pima County provided to us in an email. Much of this is also on their website.
Where do I start for registration in Pima County?
For registration information for all the priority 1B groups, please go to www.pima.gov/covid19vaccineregistration [pima.gov]
What happens after I hit the “Make an Appointment” button?
For a Banner-affiliated site (Banner North UA Cancer Center; Kino Stadium):
Answer the screening questions to determine eligibility and make an appointment.
Banner’s scheduling slots are based on vaccine availability. Once the scheduling slots are filled, the ability to schedule disappears from their website. The scheduling form will reappear once more allocation of vaccine is confirmed by the state. Banner suggests checking daily to see if appointments have been added. Banner also says that it will send a confirmation email/text/phone call after an appointment has been made.
For all other vaccination sites:
After you click the “Make Your Appointment” button:
· Fill out the brief Pima County Vaccine Interest Form and hit send, but you’re not done. For those who need help registering or can’t do so online, telephone assistance is available for this registration system: 520-222-0119 (Monday-Sunday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.).
· You will receive an email response to confirm that your registration has been received.
· Wait for an email response from TMC MyChart, which, based on priority and vaccine availability, will send an email with a link to schedule an appointment and complete the registration process. Be sure to check your spam filters, just in case.
· Click on the link from MyChart to schedule an appointment.
Other information:
· Appointments are made based on priority and vaccine availability.
· The wait time on the response from TMC MyChart will be variable at first, due to the overwhelming demand and limited amount of vaccine. It might be hours or days.
· An email address is currently required for online registration.
· Please register through only one of the systems in order to assure you receive the same vaccination doses (first and second doses) and don’t take an appointment slot that could go to someone else.