TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — The Tucson Reinas come together for community events like the Reina Prom Giveaway, Reinas Who Hike, and the Reina Retreat. This year, the Reina Retreat was held at the Hotel McCoy.
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From small business owners to community leaders, the Reinas share a passion for bettering the community. The Reina Retreat allowed the women to build supportive connections through healing activities.
The retreat started Wednesday evening after each woman shared their passion for what they do in their community. Many Reinas have south-side roots, especially those who have been working together in the "Reinahood" since 2018.
Some of the activities included sound healing, self-love journaling, and yoga. The next event for the Reinas is already being planned, and their journey can be followed on Instagram or Facebook.
Reyna Preciado is a reporter for KGUN 9, she joined the KGUN 9 team in July of 2022 after graduating Arizona State University. Share your story ideas with Reyna by emailing reyna.preciado@kgun9.com or by connecting on Instagram, or Twitter.