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Mammoth-San Manuel School District steps up to help families with remote learning

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TUCSON, Ariz.--Students in the Mammoth-San Manuel School District have started learning online.

While this can be a challenging process for both students and their parents, help from the district can go a long way.

Julia Laguna Boisvine is a mother of seven and a substitute teacher.

She says if it wasn’t for the district, her kids wouldn’t be prepared for school.

“I’m going to be very honest with you. I was freaking out and I’m still freaking out, even with the assistance,” she told KGUN9.

All of Boisvine’s children are in the Mammoth-San Manuel Unified School District.

“From kindergarten all the way to a senior,” she added.

She says when she found out learning was going to be online, she knew getting seven computers was going to be a challenge.

“I don’t have them for all of them,” she said.

Fortunately, the Mammoth-San Manuel Unified School District stepped up to help.

“We went and picked up our computers for the five younger ones. High school are going to have iPads. So I’m excited about that and I’m grateful very excited that our school district was able to allow that,” Boisvine added.

The superintendent of the Tri-District Julie Dale-Scott says students are their number one priority.

“We are also doing a bus run to deliver meals if they are distance learning,” said Dale-Scott.

Boisvine says she couldn’t be more thankful, because this allows her to focus on a game-plan for learning.

“I was thinking of getting headphones so that they can plug into their device and hopefully it won't be so loud, but I do plan on keeping them altogether on our dining room table,” said the mother of seven.

Though she foresees Wi-Fi being an issue.

“The service is not very well. It’s very hard to get connection, especially with a lot of people working from home,” said Boisvine.

However, superintendent Dale-Scott says the district is working on providing hotspots for families, too.

“We’re just trying to work with families to make sure that they’re getting what they need and that our students have the ability to be educated and have full that everyone is successful in this environment,” said the Superintendent.

Here’s their message to students and their families during this time of uncertainty.

“Be patient with yourself. Be patient with students. Communicate, because the school is there for you and we’ll figure out a plan and help you out but if you don’t know the problem, we can’t fix it,” said Superintendent Dale-Scott.

“We can do this. It’s going to be a challenge, but we’re all in this together,” Boisvine added.

The Governing Board voted to stay online potentially until October 19, when they hope to go hybrid. They will meet to vote again in September.