Pima County Fair
Pima County Fairgrounds / 11300 S Houghton Rd
Daily through Sunday April 29
Over 60 carnival rides, 50 midway games, animal displays, food, music, vendor displays
Concerts this weekend: Friday - REO Speedwagon (rock), Saturday - Easton Corbin (country), Sunday - Banda El Recodo (Latin)
General admission $9 adults, kids $5, parking $5
Finding Neverland
Centennial Hall
Daily performances through Sunday April 29
Musical production of the story behind Peter Pan
Tickets start at $19
Tucson International Mariachi Conference
AVA Amphitheatre at Casino Del Sol
Thurs Apr 26 through Sat Apr 28
Music and workshops, Espectacular Concert featuring Mariachi Sol de Mexico de Jose Hernandez and Mariachi Angeles de Pepe Martinez Jr. on Saturday
Tickets start at $20
Autism Walk and Resource Fair
Kino Stadium
Saturday April 28 at 9 a.m.
Food and drink, community resource fair, walk to benefit autism awareness
A Conversation with Linda
Fox Theatre
Sun Apr 29 at 7 p.m.
A multi-media journey through the life of Linda Ronstadt, followed by a question and answer session with Linda
Tickets start at $37