The Morning Blend


Free online science education for everyone, everywhere

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Learning has changed for students, whether they’re remote only, a mix of online and in-person or if they’ve returned to their classrooms. It’s more important and challenging than ever for educators to inspire a love of learning and spark the excitement and joy that comes with experimenting and hands-on learning through high-quality science education.

LabXchange, a free virtual platform launched by Harvard University and the Amgen Foundation, aims to ensure students everywhere have equal opportunity to prepare for and be successful in science. This online education platform provides students around the world access to personalized instruction, next-generation virtual lab experiences and networking opportunities across the global, scientific community. The virtual simulations offered through LabXchange remove barriers of expensive equipment, safety issues and the extra time teachers need to prepare materials for school labs. This quality remote learning experience is more beneficial now than ever when teachers are shifting how they deliver science education.