If you want to sell your house without a employing an agent, then No Agent Needed™ is going to be the most risk-mitigating profitable book you can read.
In this book, my fellow investors and I are going to show you exactly how to avoid real estate’s most costly landmines, how they navigated the process, and how you can model it in your own sale.No Agent Needed is unprecedented as it’s the first book of its kind written by professionals that buy and sell houses on a daily basis without using an agent, and it will reveal what no other book on the subject will attempt to cover.
Here’s how…
Normally, when the authors share this type of information it’s done internally with their team and employees. Most of what they share are industry secrets that never see the light of day.
To access this type of experience would take years of “in-the-trenches” sweat and tears. But I’ve pulled this brainpower together and put it in a book so you can easily bypass the potential costly heartaches that can accompany selling a house without an agent.

15 Must-Do Steps to sell your home on your own

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