The Morning Blend


Clear Comfort: Free your pool from that pesky chlorine

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Clear Comfort is a paid sponsor of The Morning Blend.

This summer, you may have no shortage of time to enjoy your home pool but could the current chlorine shortage prevent you from swimming safely? Today we are joined again by Steve Berens. Steve is a Tucson native and the CEO and Co-Founder of Clear Comfort.

Clear Comfort is the market-leading AOP pool sanitation system that can free your pool from chlorine shortages this summer by reducing your chlorine down to drinking-water chlorine levels or less. Steve is the innovator behind Advanced Oxidation pool and hot tub treatment, and his Clear Comfort system has been described as, “the best AOP system and the best thing for your pool.” Today, Steve is sharing how the chlorine shortage could affect your pool and hot tub care, and how many pool owners are taking the opportunity to make their water healthier than before.

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