Like and share ShopDesertMariposa’s page then message them with your email and “Kgun9Valentine,” You'll receive an E-gift card for $20 off or 20% off your purchase of $50 or more. You’ll automatically receive whichever offer benefits you more! On top of that go to the store anytime starting March 1st through Grand Opening on the 13th and put you name in the drawing for a chance to win a huge $350 swag bag of Desert Mariposa merchandise! Drawing for that item will be at 7pm March 13th as a live on their FB page. Be sure to tune in!

A New Women's Lifestyle Boutique on the East side where the free spirit of the bohemian style embraces the western flare of the Old Pueblo. This will be your go to spot for fun, unique and timeless apparel, accessories, gifts, home decor and even something for the littles in your life

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