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Starbucks plans to get rid of some of its craziest drinks


For those who craved the Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino, or even still dream about the Crystal Ball Frappuccino, the coffee giant just drizzled some bad news. 

Next year, don't expect as many of those wacky concoctions on the menu. 

Starbucks now says its going to cut back on those kinds of limited time offers by about 30%. The reason why: the most recent quarterly reports showed a meek 2% raise in sales, so eventhough the drinks were a hit on social media, they clearly weren’t helping Starbucks earn a mass amount of money. 

However, the company said new frappuccinos are launching early in May.

There's still no word on what they'll be, but there are rumors it could be dark caramel. It's also unclear if they are going to be temporary or permanent additions to the menu.