KGUN 9News


Iraqi restaurant targeted with bigoted message

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A Boise, Idaho restaurant owner is left searching for answers after someone scrawled a hateful message outside of his business.

It all started when Salam Bunyan arrived at work Wednesday morning to several police vehicles at the front of his Boise restaurant, The Goodness Land.

"I opened the front door and I said 'hey guys what's going on' and the police officer told me  'you see that writing on the floor, someone wrote a bad word'," said Bunyan.

Scribbled on the ground in front of his business, complete with a swastika and arrows pointing directly toward the door was "Rapeugees shop here."

"He stopped exactly here. He means it for here not another place," explained Bunyan.

Bunyan, a refugee from Iraq, left years ago to escape the violence there. He came to the United States to live the American dream. He said Boise is full of wonderful people, but now, this one bad apple needs to be brought to justice.

"I have a family, I have kids, and I am a working hard in building a new life. It supposed to be that he supports me, not brings me down. Why did you do that? Do you think I am leaving? I am not leaving," said Bunyan.

Bunyan has multiple security cameras on his business and was able to catch some video of the perpetrator.

The video below shows a white, male between the ages of 20 and 30.  He was wearing long shorts, white socks, brown shoes and a white T-shirt with a logo on the front. It also appears he has medium-length hair. 

If you know who the man in the video is, you are encouraged to call Boise's non-emergency dispatch at 208-377-6790