TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Looking for a new job? Walmart is hiring additional associates for expanded Tucson Walmart.
Walmart is accepting applications for 80 additional positions being created as part of the expansion of the Walmart Supercenter at 7150 East Speedway Boulevard.
As part of a recently announced wage increases, all new Walmart hires will earn at least $9/hour and will move to at least $10/hour after completing a retail skills and training program. The average, full-time hourly wage for Arizona Walmart associates is currently $13.20/hour, according to the media release.
The store is hiring both full and part-time associates.
The grand re-opening of the store is scheduled for Spring 2016
The expansion project is adding about 50,000 square feet to the Walmart location. New store amenities will include a full assortment of groceries with fresh produce, meat and dairy, frozen foods, dry goods and other staples.