TUCSON, Ariz.-- The University of Arizona is getting high marks for its online business education.
In the 2020 Best Online MBA Programs rankings by U.S. News & World Report , Eller's Online MBA program jumped 11 spots to No. 10 from last year. This places Eller in the top ten of business schools offering online MBAs across the country.
The report ranked programs based on student engagement, student services and technology, faculty credentials and training and expert opinion.
Eller’s Online MIS program also received some recognition after jumping one spot to No. 3 from last years report.
The report also looked at how well certain programs serve veterans. Eller’s Online MIS ranked No. 2 and the online MBA ranked No.6 for serving veterans.
“Year after year, the Eller College of Management continues to improve its offerings, student services and reputation, and we are so pleased these efforts are externally recognized and validated,” says Paulo Goes, dean and Halle Chair in Leadership at the Eller College. “We have high standards for student engagement, convenience and personal attention and this ranking affirms Eller’s place among the top business schools offering online education."