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Tucson officials want to lower car crash deaths with free car seats

Car Seat Safety Checks
and last updated

TUCSON, Ariz. - Pima County Sheriff's Department and Tucson Fire Department are working together to lower the number of car crash deaths for kids per year.

According to PCSD, mtor vehicle collisions are the number one cause for unintentional deaths in children under 19 years old.

They plan to do this by hosting car seat safety classes, where they will have free car seats and technicians on site to assist folks with proper installation.

The classes will be hosted by the City of Tucson Parks and Recreation at 300 S. Fire Central Place on the following dates and times:

Saturday, June 29 at 8am

Saturday, July 27th at 8am

Wednesday, July 31 at 5pm

To sign up for one of the classes, visit the website Parks and Rec website here.