When chaos breaks out and bullets are flying, do you know what to do?
"It seems like there's an event at least once a week somewhere in the world so people are afraid a little bit," said Sergeant Rob Brandt with Tucson Police.
Whether it's in a movie theater, church, school or a nightclub, it's hard to predict when a massacre will take place. Tucson Police have been offering their active shooter training since 2013. But now, people need it now more than ever. The training is done in a classroom-type setting with presentations and open discussions on how to stay safe.
"This isn't an 'Oh my God I'm going to die situation.' There are ways to avoid it and if I have the right mind set and just pick up on a few things quickly there's a very good chance that not only may I survive it but I may be able to stop it from happening in the first place," said Brandt.
The main point they teach -- run, hide, fight.
"It's real simple. In any kind of violent encounter with an active shooter, the first thing that you should do is try to get away from it so we want you to run. If you can't run and it's safe to hide and hide from the situation and get away from it once the situation passes, that's your second best alternative. If it's in your face and you have to deal with it right now then we tell you you gotta fight and we give them some basic techniques on how to fight."
Although your chances of getting into that situation are slim, there could be a way out.
"If it's not your day and this stuff is happening, here is what you need to do to survive it and you can survive it you absolutely can survive."
Classes are free and open to the public. The next class is scheduled for August 9th, but it is already full. For information on future classes email TOEMHS@tucsonaz.gov.