A special donation is helping the Tucson Fire Department reduce the number of non-emergency calls to 911.
The TFD's Collaborative Community Care or TC3 unit goes out to a caller to assess their well-being.
The program is designed to reduce the number of not-time sensitive 911 calls and connect those people with resources that can help them.
Tucson Fire Captain Andrew Skaggs says this unit would come back to the office, fill out paperwork and then go back out which would strain the system and take up resources and time.
"When we heard that they had this program and they needed a little support we were more than happy to step in and help," said Tucson Electric Power's Joseph Barrios.
Barrios said TEP donated $5,000 to TFD to purchase tablets and software for the unit to help eliminate the paperwork.
Captain Skaggs says now they are able to get real-time patient information and submit forms electronically.
"Instead of filling out the paperwork and then shred it when you get back everything is captured right there digitally and that also allows them to access their emails, submit requests, get the information that they need to better serve that patient they are with right then and there," he said.
Captain Skaggs says over an 18-month trial period of the unit targeting 10 people who counted for 354 calls, that number of non-emergency 911 callers dropped to 26.
"If we can get out there and get the information to them and get them the help before they call 911 than that is a win," said Captain Skaggs.