TUCSON, Ariz. — Teachers led a demonstration before a school district board meeting in protest to the Catalina Foothills School District’s re-opening plans.
“We got the plan last week. And the plan had no options for teachers to be protected for being only online basically,” said Tiffany Fritz, an English teacher at Catalina Foothills High School.
Fritz said she's concerned because although families and students have the option to choose in-person or remote learning, teachers are expected to be inside the classroom come August 17. She said a district survey was sent to faculty but the options were limiting.
“Our four options were: yes, I will be in person on August 17. Yes, I will be in person on August 17 as long as ADA guidelines are met. The other two options were I will resign my contract, or I am asking to be released from my contract. So there was no option for us that was like hey I prefer online in general,” said Fritz.
Fritz and other teachers feel that the communication between teachers and the district has been lackluster.
“We want the board to listen to our concerns. We understand they have constraints from the governor, but we have not been consulted in the planning process and have not had a say or even a chance to weigh-in on our concerns,” said Melissa Lewis, another English teacher at Catalina Foothills High School.
The main concern: teaching their students while fearing for their health and the health of their loved ones during this pandemic.
The district said that it does believe the reopening plan is thorough and that it addresses the health and safety concerns for students and staff. The plan is said to follow CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines.