Two women directly impacted by the January 8 mass shooting seven years ago held an informational forum today on reducing gun violence.
About 70 people showed up for the forum at the Methodist Church on River Road Sunday.
Pam Simon, a shooting survivor, discussed the importance of making voters voices heard on the issue of gun control.
"Having worked in a congressional office, if we got 70 calls on one issue, we would feel like it's an avalanche," Simon said.
Emily Nottingham, the mother of Gabe Zimmerman, a Giffords staffer killed in the January 8 shooting also spoke on the issue:
"My son worked in a congressional office, and he would come home and talk about the phone calls he got that day, the mail he got that day, the email, and how he needed to communicate it to the Congresswoman," Nottingham said.
Both women say they feel the needle has been moving on the issue of gun control and now more Americans are aware of both sides of the debate.