DOUGLAS, Ariz. (KGUN9-TV) - Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is among the many making stops in our state. On Friday, the Republican senator took his focus on a big topic in Arizona - border security.
Cruz, along with former Texas Governor Rick Perry and Arizona House Speaker David Gowan, toured the border, checking out fencing and security.
His visit was a short one, only about 15 minutes. But, it seems this trip was more about talkign rather than touring.
"I'll tell you, the bulk of lunch I spoke very little. I spent most of the time just listening... Just hearing their stories."
The stories of the ranchers who live in Douglas. Many of them and their families have been living in this area for decades.
"The Glenn's came to Arizona in 1896," said rancher Warner Glenn. "So, we've been here a long time."
Glenn was asked to host Senator Cruz just one day before the big tour, but said he was impressed the senator came to the area to see what was going on first-hand.
"He was very interested in the roots, so to speak and the changes we've seen in the border situation in the last 50, 60 70 years," Glenn explained.
But, when KGUN9 asked if this visit secured a vote for Cruz, Warner and a handful of the other ranchers were not ready to cast their ballots yet.
"He's got a good plan in mind and we'll see... We'll see how far everything goes in the next two three weeks or a month," Glenn said.