In a historic move, Pima County is holding a special election next week for the Pima County Sheriff's largest union. The outcome could cause a ripple effect throughout the sheriff's department -- impacting the public.
The special election will take place Monday through Thursday at three locations. The union leaders of the Pima County Deputies Sheriff's Association called for it.
After disputes with sheriff Mark Napier over pay and personnel issues -- the union leaders are now fighting for collective bargaining rights.
They want a seat at the table with the Board of Supervisors. The voting is open to all deputies within the department -- sergeants and higher ranks cannot vote.
We reached out Sheriff Napier by phone, who said, "this is not dissimilar to other bodies of law enforcement and he fully supports the union having a voice."
Napier later sent a full, written statement on the election:
"Having Meet and Confer status for law enforcement representative groups is not uncommon. I fully support our personnel's desire to have a voice with respect to matters falling under the provisions of Meet and Confer should they elect to be so represented."