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Pima County Department of Environmental Quality issues air quality advisory for ozone pollution


The Pima County Department of Environmental Quality is issuing an air quality advisory for Monday and Tuesday. 

Sunny skies and light winds contribute to ground-level ozone pollution.

PDEQ is advising anyone with sensitivity to ozone to stay inside as much as possible between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m.

The ozone levels could also make it harder to breathe during vigorous physical activity. 

Tips for reducing ground-level ozone pollution include:

    Reduce driving - combine errands into one trip, ride the bus, bike, walk or share rides
    Avoid idling your vehicle’s engine. Refrain from long drive-thru lines - park and go inside instead
    Re-fuel your car after 6 p.m. when fumes are less likely to form ozone
    While re-fueling, always stop at the click
    Make sure your gas cap is tightly sealed after re-fueling
    Check your tire pressure monthly to reduce gasoline use and associated pollution
    Use low VOC or water-based paints, stains, finishes and paint strippers
    Avoid using gas-powered lawn and gardening equipment
    Conserve electricity to reduce emissions from power plants
To sign up to receive email alerts when PDEQ issues an air quality alert click here.