TUCSON, Ariz. — Pima Animal Care Center is looking for fosters for the larger dogs currently housed in the clinic. Some with special needs.
Right now, PACC has a lot of diabetic dogs who need some love.
Fosters would help give dogs insulin shots and work on dieting, with the help of the center.
Some other dogs just need a quiet place to spend the last bit of time they have left.
"And then we do also have a need for what we call fospice, it's foster hospice cases, so some of these dogs just - they might have just a few weeks - and we just don't want them to spend the last few weeks in a kennel. We would rather have them in a home with someone who can give them a nice and very comfortable last end of their life," said Nicki Reck, spokesperson for PACC.
For more information about how much it costs to foster and what is expected, reach out to Pima Animal Care Center directly.