KGUN 9News


PCC students holds holiday event for at-risk...


TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) -  More than 1 million teenagers in America experience homelessness each year. This year, Pima Community College is doing it's part in giving back to homeless and at-risk teenagers here in Tucson.

On December 5th at First Christian Church nearly 100 teens attended the Tucson Young Adults special event. The event organized by students provided food, clothing and resources for kids who are either at-risk or homeless.

One of the event organizers says they wanted to help teens specifically because they don't often get all the help they deserve. 

"We felt at Christmas time a lot of other organizations focus on families with children and young children," said Melissa Beach. "Teenagers often get overlooked at Christmas, especially at-risk teens. A lot of these kids are homeless or near homeless and so we want Christmas to be as special to them as some of the other kids that the other agencies focus on."