KGUN 9News


Participants trained to alert people hard of hearing to get information during an emergency

Participants trained to alert people hard of hearing to get information during an emergency

Participants gathered at the Department of Forestry and Fire Management District after being screened and selected for the ERIC Program (Emergency Response Interpreters Credentialing). 

This program trains people to communicate with others who are deaf or hard of hearing, so they will be able to understand any messages or notifications during an emergency such as a wildfire. 

ERIC Program Director, Victoria Bond, says the participants need to have the same knowledge as a firefighter in order to avoid any errors during wildfires. 

"Ultimately our interpreters and our captioners are going to be conveying that information to the deaf and hard of hearing public so its important that they have really strong content knowledge." 

Participants go through three days of training, three online courses with tests and an annual refresher training to keep working emergency response situations. 

Officials say there are no more opportunities to be part of the program this year.