"I thought something had crashed," Nogales homeowner Charlie Villanueva said.
The entire city was hit hard by Saturday night's storms -- but his house was seriously damaged.
"It was kind of scary," Villanueva said. "Those 30 seconds, I got drenched. And then you see your roof is gone, and I'm trying to open the door there and the suction of the air opens that door up really fast."
Yesterday's storm destroys part of a #Nogales home. @kgun9 at 5 & 10 to see what this man felt and what happened. pic.twitter.com/v7OALYUJfM
— Max Darrow (@MaxDarrowKGUN) July 31, 2016
The roof of his bedroom, gone in 30 seconds. A tree also fell on his house. His entire patio -- damaged and covered in glass and debris."
He said the sky turned super cloudy, and all of a sudden, he felt an intense gust of wind and "buckets of rain."
"Quite an experience," he said. "You feel it. You feel the wind, my shirt was up like that, picks you up."
When the tree fell, it took down a power line with it. Currently, Villanueva has no power. He's in touch with his insurance company about what the next step is. His main concern is making sure its safe to stay in the home.
Overall, he seemed pretty positive about what happened, and was glad that it wasn't anything worse than a storm that damaged his home.
Heavy rain and wind that just hit #Nogales blew the roof off of this house! No one was hurt. #StormDamage pic.twitter.com/2wsnl7rwGC
— Sgt. Robert Fierros (@NogalesPD_PIO) July 31, 2016
Be sure to follow KGUN9's Max Darrowfor updates.