Pinal County Sheriff’s Office Adult Detention Center has launched a new veteran's program.
It's called the Housing Unit for Military Veterans, or HUMV.
PCSO says since the program began last November, there have been about 40 veterans who have been booked into their jail and volunteered to be a part of the program.
Through the HUMV program, veterans have access to mentors, councilors and educational opportunities that to help them once they are released.
Once veterans are released they can continue to receive help from volunteers who can help them with the services they need like finding jobs.
Pinal County Sheriff, Mark Lamb, says this pilot program can be used in other areas of the jail as well. He says he plans to have a similar program in the future with young people who are in their custody.
Currently in the HUMV program, all the veterans share a same area of the prison and attend classes based off of a schedule.