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Neighborhood roads may be added to Pima County's Regional Local Road Repair Program

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The Pima County Transportation Advisory Committee is discussing options to add additional neighborhoods to its Regional Local Road Repair Program.  

"We had we talked about some projects go out to bid so the bids have been good and the prices have been lower than our engineers estimate so there is potential savings for our property tax projects," said Ana Olivares, the director of the Pima County Transportation Department.

The program is a 25-cent property tax for all local roads in Pima County for the fiscal year 2017-2018. 

Olivares says since the work hasn't started there could be some extra money after the work is completed.

She says the focus is on roads in poor condition that can be improved with a seal coat. 

Another option for the savings is to use alternative asphalt. 

Local companyTucson Asphaltproposed its Green Asphalt.  

"We can save a lot of money for the taxpayer," said Paul Polito, the President of Tucson Asphalt. "A lot more roads done."

Polito says Green Asphalt is about two and a half times stronger than conventional asphalt and cheaper to use. 

"We are using half the material and running that big smokey hot plant half the time so it is very very environmentally green and it is black... it is not green in color," he said. 

The next Transportation Advisory Committee meeting will be held April 24th at noon at the Abrams Public Health Center to discuss the potential options.

To see if a road will be repaired near you, click here.