Midvale Park residents are worried after they noticed a spike in graffiti in their neighborhood.
"Lately is has been really bad," said Denise Riffe, a Midvale Park resident. "I don't feel safe anymore, I want to leave the neighborhood."
Riffe says she has lived in the neighborhood since 1988 and doesn't want the neighborhood to be known for the graffiti.
"We are a good neighborhood," she said. "Midvale Park overall is good... this is giving us a black eye and people don't want to come here."
Neighbors are also raising concerns over whether the tagging has ties to gangs.
"If there is gunfire that starts because there is tagging because we have been told with cross tagging when one gang comes, another gang will come and if they start firing in the neighborhood where are we going to go?" she explained. "We are full of kids, we are right next door to an elementary school."
The neighborhood association is in talks with Tucson Clean and Beautiful and the city to help clean up the graffiti.
If you would like to help clean up parts of the neighborhood, residents are meeting Saturday morning.