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4th Ave. merchants plead to keep it local after rezoning ordinance passes

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The Tucson City Council has voted unanimously to build a multi-story housing facility on the southwest of 4th Avenue.

On Tuesday, the council voted 5-0 after listening to multiple people both in favor and against the rezoning ordinance.

The decision makes way for Partners on Fourth Investments, LLC to build condos and apartments. 

The height of the building hasn't been determined but it's believed to be between 11 to 14 stories. 

In a statement to KGUN9, council member Steve Kozachik says the height of the building is being held consistent with the existing buildings on 4th avenue. 

"These are not student housing units, so the new residents will also be new customers. It'll be a win/win for the area."

Fred Ronstadt with 4th Avenue merchants says this is the new reality as new buildings continue to pop up in and around Tucson.

As for retail space- this is where locals step in. 

Ronstadt says, "We want to make sure that 4th Avenue maintains its flavor, character and its color because it's the heartbeat of Tucson and we don't want things to compromise that."

Part of the plan includes demolishing the building with Maloney's Tavern. 

Another concern was traffic congestion, and how the new facility would affect surrounding businesses.