TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Following the recent terror attack in California, Muslims here in Tucson continue to speak out. Human rights and peace activist, Mojii Agha, held an open forum on Islam earlier today.
The discussion at St. Phillips in the Hills focused on educating the public about the culture of Islam and it's detachment from terror groups in the Middle East.
"What ISIS is doing is just as Islamic as what KKK is doing is Christian," said Agha.
For the past two-and-a-half years, Agha has been traveling across the US to create what he calls "circles of nonviolence".
The Iranian-American held an open forum to discuss his efforts in educating the public on the Islamic religion. After ISIS followers recently killed 14 people in San Bernardino, and nearly 130 in Paris last month, he's working to dispel one main notion.
"What ISIS, ISILl and Boko Haram and other terrorist groups are doing has absolutely nothing to do with Islam," said Agha.
The open forum encouraged attendees to ask questions and voice their concerns surrounding recent ISIS-led terror attacks.
Among many questions asked was the presence of violent verses in the Quran.
"The only place where violence is quote on quote, allowed, is you know, self defense," said Agha.
Overall, the forum was well received by attendees.
"I thought it was a very positive perspective," said clergyperson Thomas Lindell. "Especially the ecumenical nature of his message that spans virtually all religious traditions."
Agha is set to continue his travels in hopes of creating peaceful relations across all religions.