TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN9-TV) -- What can you do to stop animal cruelty?
The Animal Cruelty Task Force of Southern Arizona along with the Humane Society of Southern Arizona is hosting a seminar to educate people about the signs of animal cruelty, how to report it, and how those types of crimes are investigated.
The seminar will be held Wednesday, September 7th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Tucson Police Department office at 1310 W. Miracle Mile.
The task force is made up of different experts and law enforcement officers to raise awareness of animal cruelty laws in Southern Arizona. Pat Hubbard is the director for community outreach for the Humane Society and is on the board of the task force. She says that people in our community are very passionate about animals.
Hubbard says often times people will see a dog they think is being neglected, and instead of reporting it they will post pictures on Facebook. The task force wants to educate people about how to properly report animal cruelty so something can be done to stop it.
All too often the task force gets reports of animals being abused. Dogs are not properly washed, Hubbard said, so there fur gets so matted down it makes it difficult to go to the bathroom. Hubbard says they often deal with more serious felony charges. For example, they have found dogs that have been hung, skinned and intentionally hurt.
Animal abusers are a concern to law enforcement, Hubbard said, because they can often be linked to other crimes.
"Once you go out on a case, where there is abuse on an animal, sometimes you are going to find that there's abuse on a child, or an elderly person," Hubbard said. "So it's like getting your foot on the door."
There are city and local laws that protect animals from abuse, Hubbard said. In Pima County tie-outs are not allowed, and all dogs must have access to water, food and shelter.
You can report neglect to the task for at (520) 547-0260 or 88-CRIME. If an animal is in immediate danger, like if a dog is bleeding, choking or not responsive, Hubbard suggets calling 911.
If you'd like to attend the seminar, RSVP at phubbard@hssaz.org or (520) 321 - 3704, ext. 138.