Tucson's largest school district is back in session, and the Tucson police are emphasizing safety at crosswalks and drop off zones.
TPD says speeding is the most common violation. Drivers are required to slow down to 15 miles per hour or less when driving through crosswalks and school zones.
Passing is also a violation. You cannot pass by another driver in a school zone. If any part of your car overtakes another driver's car, that is considered passing. Even if the other person is driving less than the speed limit, you still cannot pass.
If there are children crossing the street, you have to wait until everyone is completely across before driving through. If the lights are solid red, come to a complete stop. When the lights flash, proceed with caution. Treat it as a stop sign.
All fines are doubled in school zones.
TPD said the goal is not to hand out a certain number of tickets during their back-to-school enforcement. The goal is keeping everyone's children safe.