KGUN 9News


City Council wants to put an end to street racing


Street racing -- it's been a problem in Tucson for years, according to members of the City Council and eastside resident Craig Clark. They say enough is enough, it's time to put it to an end.

"It's crazy," Clark said. "It is absolutely crazy in this area."

The area he's referring to is his neighborhood -- near Golf Links and Wilmot. He said cars and motorcycles flying down Golf Links keep his family up at night. But he explained the racing doesn't just happen late at night; sometimes, it happens in broad daylight.

"I think that they're probably eclipsing at least 80," he said. "I'm sure, I'm sure of it."

The Tucson City Council explained it's happens primarily in south side and east side neighborhoods. However, they say there are hotspots all throughout the city. The council will be discussing a proposed ordinance to try and curb the problem, by increasing the punishments for people caught participating. Any involvement would become a class one misdemeanor, and people could face up to $2,500 in fines and up to 6 months in jail.

All of this, done in an effort to make the roads safer. 

Clark, nervous for his family and other drivers on the road.

"Cars going as fast as they do, I think someone is going to get killed sooner than later," Clark said. "It needs to stop."

He believes the new proposed ordinance is a step in the right direction.