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Amphi students and teachers "stand out"

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Teachers, educators, students, and community members from the Amphitheater School District participated in a "stand out," in support for #Red4Ed movement, on Tuesday afternoon. 

The supporters gathered at major intersections along a 17-mile stretch of Oracle Rd., from Coronado K-8 to Nash Elementary, the district's northernmost and southernmost schools.

Sandy Schiffman, who teaches 5th grade, says she's proud of what she does. But as she prepares to cast her vote either in favor of walking out, or against walking out, she says she is torn.

"I'm still thinking about it," she said. "It's hard, because I don't want to hurt my students."

At the same time, she doesn't think Governor Ducey's 20% by 2020 plan is the way to go.

"We have custodial staff, we have social workers, we have nursing staff, we have library clerks, they're not getting raises," Schiffman said. "It's gotta be for everybody, because we all bring up the kids."

Among those participating was Amphi Superintendent Todd Jaeger, along with members of the Governing Board. Jaeger explained he's all for his teachers and educators, and supports them in their quest for better pay and education funding in the state. However, he says he can't support a walk out, and is urging his teachers to find another way to get their message across.

"I think it blurs our message when we leave kids," Jaeger said. "But that's the passion, that's the concern, that's frustration that people feel these days. It's visceral, it's real, and it has brought us to a point of crisis."

Teachers will cast their votes through Thursday.