KGUN 9News


390th Memorial Museum honors D-Day vets

The Normandy Landings that took place 72-years-ago serve as the largest water invasion in history. Today, the 390th Memorial Museum stands as a reminder of the casualties of war.
"The sacrifice of those that participated in the military and certainly in the Invasion of Normady, they let it all hang out," said Dick Auman, a volunteer at the museum. 
The museum was founded in the 1970's and is the only one in the country to honor the 390th Bombardment Group. It's the same Air Force group that flew three missions on D-Day.
Inside the museum you'll find thousands of books, archives and war memorabilia. Including the only combat-ready B-17 Flying Fortresses and what remains of an American Flag that flew onboard the first boat to land on Utah Beach.
"We have had veterans that were visibly moved and shaken, if you will, by what they saw," said Auman.
Another piece of history is written in a love letter by Ball Turret Gunner, Harold Kronenburg.
"He wrote it right before D-Day to his girlfriend," said Jodie Gonzalez who works as a director of development for the museum. "He talks about the excitement that all of the guys had to take part in this historic mission. In the days leading up to this they had a sense that something big was coming but they didn't know what."
The 390th Memorial Museum honors those who served so that they're never forgotten. The museum is located on the same property as the Pima Air and Space Museum. Admission to the Air and Space Museum will grant you access to the memorial.  
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